Family Run Restaurants in Barceloneta | Family Run Restaurants
La Cova Fumada
Carrer de Baluard, 56, 08003
Province Barcelona
Comarca Barcelonès

Style Rustic
Cuisine Catalan
Owners Magí, Josep Maria Solé
“How do we define a place that has more than seventy years of history? Well, it’s the bomb! Situated in the heart of the city, this seafood tapas bar is a true Barceloneta classic.”

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Mon. 9-15h
Tues. 9-15h
Weds. 9-15h
Thurs. 9-15, 18-20h
Fri. 9-15, 18-20h
Sat. 9-13h
Sun. Closed
How do we define a place that has more than seventy years of history? Well, it’s the bomb! Situated in the heart of the city, this seafood tapas bar is a true Barceloneta classic. With grandma working the kitchen and the Solé brothers utterly committed to their craft, this is one dining experience that’s guaranteed to delight. As they don’t accept reservations, you’ll need to be prepared to stand in line by writing your name on a piece of paper and waiting for a table – but it’ll be totally worthwhile. Some find a new friend or flame, while others launch into topical discussions or bounce jokes around the room. When you finally sit down, the “bomb” arrives, the emblematic house tapas which are Grandma Maria’s pride and joy, accompanied by other dishes like squid, octopus, and vegetables – depending on the season.