Family Run Restaurants in Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana | Family Run Restaurants
Can Farell
Ctra. de Caldes a Granollers, Km. 5'5, 08187
Province Barcelona
Comarca Vallès Oriental
Sta. Eulalia de Ronçana

Style Classic traditional
Cuisine Catalan
Owners Riera
“Can Farell is a quaint 15th-century farmhouse. Formerly, it belonged to the Farell family who sold it to Fèlix Fages, a member of the Orfeó Català choral society. Later, his widow, a famous Liceu pianist by the name of Madame Cucart, would inherit the property.”

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Mon. Closed
Tues. 13.30-16.30h.
Weds. 13.30-16.30h.
Thurs. 13.30-16.30h.
Fri. 13.30-16.30h.
Sat. 13.30-18h,
Sun. 13.30-18h.
Can Farell is a quaint 15th-century farmhouse. Formerly, it belonged to the Farell family who sold it to Fèlix Fages, a member of the Orfeó Català choral society. Later, his widow, a famous Liceu pianist by the name of Madame Cucart, would inherit the property. In 1971, Miquel and Maria Antònia bought the farmhouse after years in the restoration business and opened a family restaurant there. Even though their surname is Riera, everyone now knows them as the “Farells”. Years later, their two eldest sons, Miquel Àngel and Jordi, trained at the Girona Hospitality School. From there, they began offering market fresh Catalan recipes they’d learnt from their parents such as traditional stews, albeit with an innovative touch. Their sister, Mireia, takes care of the customers in the dining room with the help of her sister-in-law, Hajá.