Family Run Restaurants in Baix Emporda | Family Run Restaurants
Ca La Pepa Caneja
Plaça de Sant Pere, 14, 17230
Province Girona
Comarca Baix Empordà

Style Modern traditional
Cuisine Mediterranean
Owners Familia Martínez Yuste
“This emblematic establishment retains its original name, which was dedicated to the first owner, the wife of a local fisherman. Later, it became a function hall for cultural events and parties.”

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Mon. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Tues. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Weds. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Thurs. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Fri. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Sat. 13-16h., 20-00h.
Sun. 13-16h., 20-00h.
This emblematic establishment retains its original name, which was dedicated to the first owner, the wife of a local fisherman. Later, it became a function hall for cultural events and parties. Recently, it’s been taken over by Juan José and Rosa del Carmen and their two children, Juan José and Alejandro. The family remains enthusiastic about the idea of serving their very own recipes, even though one of the children has studied at the Barcelona Hospitality School and worked in various prestigious restaurants. The location near the beach and the fish market was an obvious choice to open a small but brilliant seafood restaurant, where Mediterranean gastronomy with references to haute cuisine is the basis for success. The food is home-style but contemporary, successfully establishing a good balance between tradition and modernity.